INCOterms 2020 (Virtual)

 Who should attend?
Sales team, Customer service, shipping and receiving, purchasing manager, ISO and compliance manager, CFO, corporate attorney, plant manager, finance and management, and anyone involved or concerned with international shipments.

Location- Virtual
Login provided after registration.

$295 USD
Registration SC District Export Council will offer this class at a special  rate.  Registration  
and payment are required to guarantee seating.  To  register  click  here: 

For further details, please contact:

Director, CS Charleston

March 14th, 9:30-Noon ET

 U.S. Commercial Service, South Carolina

Topics Covered:
• A complete review of all new Incoterms 2020 – what are they, when, and how to use them.
• Understanding how to incorporate proper usage of incoterms into proforma and commercial invoices.
• Sales strategies on how incoterms should be used to increase sales and lower unnecessary liability/exposure and costs.
• Strategies to limit liability and address title transfer when providing quotations or letters of credit.
• Common errors when using incoterms, and how to turn those into your advantage.
• Understanding responsibilities between buyer & seller in terms of risk, obligation, and costs.​

Program Overview: If you haven’t been to an incoterms training in a while, or at all, now would be a great time to catch up. Do you know how to use incoterms in a quotation, letter of credit, proforma and commercial invoice? Do you know what to include in your terms of sale regarding incoterms? If not, this class will help you understand how and when to use incoterms to your advantage.